Another Day In The Everglades

November 25, 2020

Another Day In The Everglades

Flamingo Campground Everglades National Park Homestead, Florida Day 6

I chatted with Kyle for the entire two miles of my morning walk…what a pleasant way to start my day!

Tim and I cycled from the campground to West Lake again this morning. This was about an 18 mile roundtrip. It is very hard to take picture when you are really cycling but we did stop twice for turtles.

This is a Florida Soft Shell Turtle. He has a snout like nose. He was about 12 inches long. We were reluctant to pick him up and help him cross because of his size…but we know he made it to the other side safely.

This little guy was about 4 inches long. He was already on the white line but Tim gave him a little push into the grass to get him off the pavement.

We rode through the marina on our way back to the RV. There was a single manatee in the marina but too far away for pictures.

We ate lunch and then Tim rested while I talked with my sister and my mom. We packed up the RV to move to the dump station for cleaning tanks and filling with water. As Tim was pulling out of our site, I noticed that the steps were out. I stopped him and we tried to get the steps to go in…but they were stuck! We think it might be an electrical problem…this is not Tim’s area of expertise. He messed with the steps for a long time before disengaging them and tying them up with string. We finally made it to get water and then had tuna salad and hummus and veggies for dinner. Tim has a list of things he can try tomorrow. It’s not a huge problem…more of an inconvenience. In the meantime, we will just jump/haul ourselves up into the RV and carefully jump/slide out!

We went night prowling this evening. It was balmy and gorgeous for a walk around the marina. We saw a heron and a croc.

We drove a short way down the park road looking for snakes…from the safety of our Jeep…but we saw a man and a boy with bare feet and with headlamps on walking along the road, moving branches in search of snakes…NOT DOING THAT!!

We stopped at Mrzak Pond. We turned off the lights and the engine and sat in the darkness, appreciating the night noises. We could hear an owl, grasshoppers, and the wind moving through the trees. It is nice once in a while just to pause and pay attention.

2 thoughts on “Another Day In The Everglades

  1. Wishing you both a wonderful Thanksgiving! There is so much for all of us to be thankful for!❤️

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