November 22, 2020
Rainy Day
Flamingo Campground Everglades National Park Homestead, Florida Day 3
Once again, I took my morning walk around the campground loop and out to Florida Bay. There are so many hawks. We must have seen a dozen today, one with a small snake in its talons.

I watched this osprey take off from the nest. He flew out over the field and using his feet, broke a branch from the top of a dead tree and returned here to make it part of his love nest!

We pedaled from West Lake almost 4 miles to Nine Mile Pond. We could see that the skies ahead were threatening. It began to rain lightly and then more steadily. We finally turned back.

Once we got back to West Lake, the rain had stopped so we walked the boardwalk trail.

This damage must be from Irma in 2017.

It began to rain yet again as we walked to the parking lot.

It rained all afternoon until after sunset. It was probably good that we had a lighter day today…our legs were tired from our long ride yesterday. I had a good book to read, Tim followed the Ravens game which ended in an overtime loss.
We made eggs and toast for dinner…just a regular kind of day. I hope that the sun shines tomorrow, we are ready to go out and play!