West Lake

November 21, 2020

West Lake

Flamingo Campground Everglades National Park Homestead, Florida Day 2

I took my morning walk around the campground loop and out to Florida Bay.

Later this morning we pedaled from Flamingo to West Lake.  We probably biked about 18 miles…the first 9 in a 9mph headwind. 

We passed recovering mangrove trees.  Three years ago, Hurricane Irma swept through southern Florida.  There was significant damage to the park.  One of the casualties was this area of mangroves.  The salt water from the bay was pushed up inland and smothered these trees.  The mangroves were unable to tolerate the extended period of salinity and died.  Scientists estimate that it will take about 35-40 years for these trees to regrow.

We were riding along the road and I saw a flash of pink.  Four roseate spoonbills were roosting in the trees with some ibis.  Typically, spoonbills are hard to find and difficult to capture in pictures…so it was exciting to be this close and get such good images.

Mrazek Pond was deserted but for a few anhinga and an alligator.

We stopped at Coots Bay where we saw a myriad of birds…ibis, egrets, heron, spoonbills, and wood storks.

When we got to West Lake, we sat by the water, enjoying the gentle breeze and the beautiful lake.  What a wonderful reward after the work of getting here!

The tailwind propelled us home.  Tim caught sight of this snake skin…not sure what kind of snake…but it was large!

We saw a gator on the bank along the road just six feet from where we were biking.

We wandered through the marina and saw 4 manatees.  This one swam close enough for a photo. 

We spent the afternoon outside enjoying the warmth, the breeze, and a good book! 

We grilled bison burgers and drove the Jeep over to Florida Bay where we watched the sunset while eating our dinner…Bliss!!