
September 17, 2020


Jones RV Park Norcross, Georgia

I walked this morning in the campground before we left. It was humid and balmy but not raining. We thought we might be riding into part of hurricane Sally as we traveled toward Atlanta. But we were very fortunate and although we had periods of light rain, we had no gusty winds. Our ride took us through bands of clouds.

We arrived at Jones RV Park in the early afternoon. We spent the day cleaning the RV and getting it ready to take to Camping World, where it will stay for some maintenance while we visit David and Andrea and the boys. We plan to be with them for several weeks. We won’t write the blog while we are there but will resume when we begin moving again…so stay tuned!

We have very much enjoyed this trip. We have seen lots of things that we had never seen before. We were eager to leave Baltimore and we chose well…cooler temperatures and beautiful scenery, lots of time outdoors…all good!!

3 thoughts on “Atlanta!!

  1. We are glad you are safe from the storms. Enjoy your son and grand kids. We’ll be keeping an eye open for your return to the road. Again I appreciate your efforts to share your ventures with all of us. Curtis Bradsher

  2. Enjoy your time with your family, especially those grandchildren!!
    I’ll be with you when your on the road again!
    Be Safe!

  3. Thankful you arrived safely with no weather issues. Soak up missed hugs and love from the kids and the grands. We will miss your daily blogs.

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