Tennessee River Trail

September 16, 2020

Tennessee River Trail

Lookout Mountain Chattanooga West KOA Trenton, Georgia

I decided to take my morning walk a mile or more down the steep hill from the campground. It was cloudy and cool and perfect for walking. The return trip up the hill was a little challenge but easier than I thought it might be…all my walking is working!!

We took the jeep to the Tennessee Riverpark Wheland Foundry Trailhead. This section of the trail is new and we have never ridden it before. The bike rental was right there (our bikes have been in Atlanta since Christmas and we really miss them!) We hopped on and began to ride. It felt sooo good!

The trail wound through a revitalized industrial area. There was lots to look at.

Then the trail ran along the Tennessee River into Chattanooga.

We took the pedestrian/bike bridge across to North Shore.

We have eaten at Blue Plate the last two times we have been here. They had outdoor seating and salads for a nice light lunch before the trek back to the Jeep.

There was lots of art in the park as well…its hard to take pictures while you are riding an bike!

It was an excellent day!