September 14, 2020
Paris Landing State Park Buchanan, Tennessee
This morning I walked through the entire park, along the bluffs and back to the campground. It was peaceful and quiet and I walked alone except for the squirrels.

We drove most of the day into Tennessee. The beauty of Kentucky and Tennessee is the lush greenness of the rolling hills. Manicured lawns and big old shade trees resemble home. The dew on the grass and the humidity in the air were absent in the western states.

We stopped in Paris, a small town for a few supplies and we found barbeque for our dinner.
We stayed at Paris Landing and spent time this afternoon making plans for the remainder of the week. This squirrel was just hanging out on a limb by the RV. The first picture was taken through the screen. When I opened the screen for a better picture, he scurried up the trunk a ways.

We took our picnic to Kentucky Lake. We saw a bald eagle as we were getting out of the Jeep. He was circling, hunting, while a bunch of buzzards soared above on an air thermal. It was remarkable how much larger the eagle was. Buzzards have a wingspan of 4-5 feet but bald eagles have a 7 1/2 foot wingspan. The eagle dove into the water but missed his prey and then he flew off.

We explored the park for a little while this evening.