The Castle

September 1, 2020

Guernsey State Park

Sandy Beach Campground Guernsey, Wyoming Day 2

A peaceful morning walk.

Later in the morning, we took a hike on the Lakeview Trail with great views of the lake.  The air was a little chilly and the sunshine was warm…perfect hiking weather!

This is our campsite for tomorrow night from across the water.

We stopped at the railroad bridge to watch the coal train come through.  There are several mines north of here.  This coal is bound for power plants in the Midwest and along the east coast.  Loaded coal cars as far as the eye can see. Each car holds 100 tons of coal.

We packed our lunch and drove to the dam.  The water in the spillway was so powerful that it made my heart pound.

We spent the afternoon resting and doing chores. 

For dinner this evening, we went to the Castle.  This picnic shelter was built in the 1930’s by the Civilian Conservation Corps.  This was a program that Franklin Delano Roosevelt instituted to help people go back to work during the Depression.  This was by far the neatest picnic shelter I have ever seen.  I knew when I saw it yesterday, that I wanted to make dinner here.  We took mushrooms and asparagus and filets and watermelon and enjoyed our date night, a feast, and the scenery from the arches and the vantage point on top of the castle.

We watched a coal train pass through the tunnel…130 empty cars ready to be refilled.  The volume of the operation is seriously impressive.