Scotts Bluff

August 30, 2020

Scotts Bluff

Robidoux RV Park Gering, Nebraska

A morning walk on the lakeside. 

I saw paw prints from some little critter.

…and a snake skin

…and a hawk flying in the trees catching a drought of air.

We traveled through Nebraska.

In the small town of Alliance, Tim spotted a Safeway store.  He asked if I wanted to stop and I jumped at the chance…I even had a list ready!  It is really nice to find a grocery store with the things we like from home!

The Robidoux RV Park sits at the base of Scotts Bluff National Monument.  Scotts Bluff is a group of rock formations that was used as a geological marker on the Oregon Trail.  After days of walking and riding across the plains, and pioneers would see this bluff.  We took the Summit Trail to the top.  It was an awesome view. 

These covered wagons are replicas of the wagons used by settlers following the Oregon Trail westward.  We walked along the same path.  This route had actually been used for 10,000 years by American Indians.  The river was a water source for bison and these were hunting grounds.  Thousands of years later, from 1841-1869, 350,000 people made their way across the plains to find new life and opportunity in the western United States.  The hardships these travelers faced included scorching summer temperatures, severe storms, harsh winter weather, buffalo stampedes, and illness.