Lakota COVID Ordinance

August 29, 2020

Lakota COVID Ordinance

Walgren Lake State Recreation Area Hay Springs, Nebraska

My morning walk with the Badlands as my backdrop and inspiration.

Today we drove to through Southern South Dakota into Nebraska.  In order to get from point A to point B, we had to pass through Native American Tribal Land.  Much to our surprise, there was a COVID checkpoint as we reached the boundary.  We were so impressed by this.  There is an ordinance that requires all travelers to stop and answer questions about where you have been and where you are going.  I am glad to see that there are people out here who take precautions…most people do not.  The Lakota are working very hard to take care of their own people. 

Our scenery today.

We entered Nebraska at around noon.  Close your eyes and imagine what Nebraska might look like!  So far, it’s lots of growing wheat, corn, soy beans, and sunflowers.  In addition. there are lots of cattle ranches and hay bales.

We found Walgren Lake State Recreation Area.  This lake is rumored to have had a Walgren lake monster, but no sign of it today!  We have the campground and the lake to ourselves.  We were sitting in the shade of the cottonwood trees. It was really windy.

We sat outside most of the afternoon and evening. We grilled sweet potatoes and ribs. It was so pleasant and pretty.

4 thoughts on “Lakota COVID Ordinance

  1. All the native villages/corporations here in Alaska have posted signs saying residents only. I think the Navajo Nation in Arizona restricted travel too.

  2. The Lakota, as many native areas, have had enormous numbers of Covid and have been doing traffic stops for quite awhile. They refused entrance to their land for the Sturgis bikers recently. Keep enjoying!

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