Bennett Creek Trail

August 17, 2020

Bennett Creek Trail

Bennett Creek Camp Little Missouri National Grasslands, North Dakota

I fell asleep easily last night but woke up a a short while later, a little after ten.  I looked out the window and could see the stars were out.  As I was laying there, I saw a shooting star.  I put on my robe and slippers, gathered a pillow and blanket and I went outside.  I laid down on the picnic table and did some star gazing.  The dome of the night sky above me, the Milky Way, and zillions of stars above…I stayed there for 45 minutes just looking and considering my small place in this vast space…nighttime church!  I have seen stars in many parts of the country but the vastness here is awe inspiring.  I slept well after my foray into the darkness.

I took a short walk this morning to see if I could spot some prairie dogs.  They are speedy and hardly stand still enough for pictures!

We traveled deeper into the Grasslands to the Bennett Creek Camp.  It was a short distance to drive.

The scenery here is also spectacular.

We decided on a shorter hike today on the Bennett Trail.

It is more than 90 degrees and sunny and after about 30 minutes of walking, I felt like a baked potato and I was ready to turn around!  We turned on the generator and the air conditioning in the RV and just chilled for awhile this afternoon.  Sometimes, it is okay to take a break and just relax!

We took an afternoon ride to the ridge around the valley that we are camped in. It was 96 degrees and the air smelled like dust and heat.

Petrified tree trunk.

Evening walk.

We drove to the highest point, a grass butte, had some wine, and watched the sunset.

There is never a day that goes by that we are not immensely grateful that we have the opportunity to travel this way.

4 thoughts on “Bennett Creek Trail

  1. What beautiful land! Star gazing?! You are truly living the best life! I so enjoy all the pics you post.
    Keep having a beautiful trip and keep posting these awesome pics; it’s what I look at when I first get to the office, of course, my coffee in hand. 🙂

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