North Dakota

August 14, 2020

North Dakota

Old Settlers Park Burlington, North Dakota

Last night there was an extended period, more than one hour, of very intense lightning.  With great slashes of harsh, brilliant, barbed light.  Fortunately for us the severe storm (red on radar) was in a town, Erskine, to the east of us.  The flat landscape allowed us to see the weather happening far away. 

An early morning walk. 

The Carnegie Library in Crookston.

On the road.

Miles of sunflower fields today.

The soil is so black and rich looking.

We crossed the Red River into North Dakota and as we did so, great splats of rain began to fall.

This area is an agricultural area and the bigger towns sell all manner of farm equipment and tires.  There are lots of granaries as well.

We saw a flock of white pelicans.  They come to the interior portion of North American to breed and then they will overwinter in warmer climes, some as far away as South and Central America.

We passed the Geographical Center of North America today.  It is in the small town of Rugby, North Dakota.

We camped this evening at Old Settlers Park in Burlington, North Dakota.  It is a quiet, pleasant little park on a river.  We went for a good walk.

I was working on the blog outside under the tree when I heard thunder. Soon, the raindrops began to fall. Tim came out to help get chairs put away. We stood inside watching it rain, harder and harder still and then we heard the pelting of marble sized hail pummeling the RV. We were worried about the wind and hail and the slideout covers so we quickly pulled everything in. Just then, the sky brightened and the rain subsided. Very quickly, it was over. Luckily, there was no damage to the RV. The weather out here seems to be a little more dramatic than we are accustomed to!