Dry Lake Trail at Bass Lake

August 5, 2020

Dry Lake Trail at Bass Lake

Silver Rapids Lodge Day 4

Today we took the Dry Lake Trail at Bass Lake.  We walked on the ridge surrounding the water. The base of the trail was Ely Greenstone, an ancient metamorphic rock that once composed the lake bottom. We passed red, jack, and pine trees as well as loads of aspen trees. This was a good moderate hike with lots of roots and rock obstacles as well as steep inclines and downhill portions.  There were several places that we could walk down for a view of the pristine lake.  It was a gorgeous day and hiking felt good.  The peace and quiet was interrupted only by birdsong, woodpeckers, grasshoppers, chittering squirrels, and the screeching of a raptor.  The air smells different here.  It makes you want to close your eyes and breathe deeply.  The walking was tough and though it was only three miles…we were tired when we got back to the trailhead…it was good work!

We spent the afternoon packing the Jeep for an overnight tent camping trip.  When we were on Echo Trail the other day we found a really nice camping spot and we are hoping to go back there, have a fire, make our dinner, and sleep out under the stars!