Tomahawk Trail

August 3, 2020

Tomahawk Trail

Silver Rapids Lodge Day 2

I took a nice morning walk while Tim exercised.

Today we took Spruce Road to the Tomahawk Trail, another gravel road into the Superior National Forest.  It was another stellar day…warm sunshine with a little bit of a cool breeze…perfect for anything!

We stopped at a canoe put in site at Gabbro Lake.  The lake was not visible from the parking area so we decided to walk.  The trail was about a mile long.  People passed us they were portaging their canoe and gear to the lake and were going to be out in the East Boundary Waters Area canoeing until Sunday.  It was a long way to carry the canoe and gear bags…a mile each way and each person had to make more than one trip.  The view of the lake was lovely.

We traveled on and found a nice spot for lunch.

White Admiral Butterfly
Blue Green Citrus Root Weevil

At one point this afternoon, we came to a point in the trail with a gate across, allowing only smaller ATVs access. This meant that we would have to backtrack for more than ten miles on a gravel winding slow road…Tim had tools in the Jeep and in no time, the gate was open and we were able to pass through…no ranger sightings today!

We took another shorter hike to Isabella Lake.

We saw this bald eagle.

We thought it might be useful to have a Forest Service map.  We have been traveling for three days without one.  We stopped at the ranger station and had to call to ask for a map.  We gave them credit card information over the phone and they walked the map out to us.  Once we got back tot eh RV, Tim started to study the map…it is HUGE!!!

Goodnight from our campsite