Wisconsin Woods

July 29, 2020

Wisconsin Woods

Kreher Park Ashland, Wisconsin

We took highway 39N until we ran out of freeway. We continued into the North-woods of Wisconsin. The drive took us through lush, green forest. It was cool and crisp in the early morning with a forecasted high in the upper 70’s…it is supposed to be 51 degrees tonight; perfect for sleeping with the windows open with a cozy blanket.

We passed through quaint towns. We happened upon a really nice meat market where we found beef tenderloin for our dinner….which was so tender and delicious!

We caught a glimpse of a black bear running across the road but by the time we reached the bend, it was long gone.

We traveled in the gently rolling hills, past lakes and streams. The air smelled like pine, fresh and clean. The roadsides were blanketed with wildflowers, cattails, and fern.

We stopped at a wayside along the Manitowish River. We stopped to look at maps and make a plan for the evening.

We camped at Kreher Park, a city park in Ashland, Wisconsin. The campground sits right on the banks of the Chequamegon Bay of Lake Superior.

A USGS research vessel sits next to the park. They study the fish in the lake.

There is an old Oredock here as well.

A nice rail trail path for a quiet walk.

We took the Jeep later this afternoon to see the town of Ashland. The town is clean and well loved. Flower baskets hang from every lamppost, murals decorate building walls. The trashcans are made from glass mosaics. We stopped at a food COOP and they had a mural as well as wonderful fresh and organic foods.

Sunset tonight…

2 thoughts on “Wisconsin Woods

  1. Looks wonderful and peaceful. Those hanging baskets are gorgeous!!
    Hope you guys are relaxing and having a great time.
    Be Safe!

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