March 23, 2020 Stateside!!

Mileage: 76,734

Arizona West RV Park Yuma, Arizona USA

We paused to watch one last Mexican sunrise.

The cooing of this mourning dove echoed our sadness to leave this beautiful place. This Baja adventure has truly been a favorite.

We were on the road by 7 am. It was a tranquil and mild morning with soft sunlight and it was a gorgeous drive up the coast.

We had the pleasure of traveling on this broad smooth brand new road with only 2 small diversions where they were not quite finished.

In the past two days, we have passed through 5 military checkpoints and at each, the military police boarded the RV and looked around…no dogs, no cats, no children, no guns, no drugs, no passengers.

There were great fields of lava rock cascading down to the top of the Sea of Cortez, down to the village of Puertocitos, known for its hotsprings.

The last vestiges of pretty before we arrived in the city of Mexicali.

We had great directions to the border from Carol, very thankfully, because there was NO signage to lead us to the border!

Our border crossing was uneventful…no questions, no inspections, no Corona Virus screening or advice to self isolate…we just showed our passports. They did a slow X-ray of the entire RV. They took a couple of minutes to look at the X-rays and then we drove on through.

We are grateful to be “home.” We are not sure what happens next. We plan to stay here in Yuma for several days to get situated and then we will see…