March 22, 2020 Journey North

Mileage:  76,452

Rancho Grande RV Park Gonzaga Bay, BC,  Mexico

We were on our way before 7 am.  Our journey today took us west across mostly desert, El Vizcaino.  There was some early morning fog.

The road was extremely narrow with lots of tractor trailer traffic coming from the opposite direction.

This tractor trailer was laying on its side as we drove by.

As we approached Guerrero Negro, the road was being repaired and we were diverted onto a dirt bypass.

Leaving Baja California Sur and entering Baja Norte.

Our Pleasure!!!!


About 15 miles later, we stopped on a roadside pullout to eat lunch.  At that time, a family of bike tourers was passing by.  Tim asked them if they needed water and they pulled over and we filled their bottles.  The family of four was from Germany.  The father was pedaling a bike with his 4-year-old daughter in a seat on the front and his 18-month-old son in a trailer on the back.  His bike was also loaded with packs of supplies.  The mother’s bike was fully loaded with lots of other bags.  The baby was asleep and the little girl was cute as she could be.  She wanted out of her seat and she skipped around picking wildflowers.  This family has been traveling on their bikes about 25 miles a day from the Yukon.  They plan to cycle to La Paz and then take the ferry to mainland Mexico and down into South America.  They plan to ride this way for another two years…WOW!  We admire them and we worry for them at the same time.

A short while later, we turned right onto Mexico 5.  This is the road that will lead us to Mexicali and out of Mexico.  The scenery was beautiful. 

At last we arrived at the coast and Tim spotted a campground on the water.  We are parked right on Ganzaga Bay.