March 21, 2020 Remember to Enjoy the Ride

Mileage:  76,219

Camping Petates San Ignacio BCS,  Mexico

It was dark when we got up and got ready.  We were hooking up the Jeep in predawn and then we left at first light. 

Today was a gorgeous day for a gorgeous drive.  I am trying to stay in the moment and not think ahead to what might be…today was a day to truly “Enjoy the Ride.” 

We traveled across the Sierra la Gigante to Loreto.  It was a little foggy but as the sun continued to climb, we were treated to spectacular vistas. 

We stopped at a scenic overlook as the water came into view.  The campgrounds on the Bay of Conception were noticeably empty…maybe a third as many campers as when we arrived when they were all mostly full. 

We stopped again in Mulege to fuel the RV.  I purchased two queso empanadas thinking lunch food but when we bit into them, they were like super wonderful cookies.  Empanadas filled with a cheese and cinnamon and brown sugar filling…such a good lunch!!

We got out in Santa Rosalia, an old mining town, to walk along the waterfront. 

We climbed again across the mountains.

We passed the 3 Virgin Volcanoes.  Last time we went through here, it was so foggy we couldn’t see the mountains…only the road in front of us.  We also passed several lava fields. 

We arrived at Camping Petates in late afternoon.  This is a peaceful camping spot along the lagoon.  The coots were out and I enjoyed sitting in a chair as they entertained me.

We decided to go to town and walk around this evening. 

The Rancho Grande Restaurant was open but had not a single customer.  We decided to sit on the patio and have a drink…drinks turned into dinner too.  This town is already hurting. There are no gatherings of greater than 10 people allowed.  The schools are closed.  The whale tours are shut down.  This restaurant was empty.  We had two great margaritas, 3 beers, and two great meals for $25.00.  These people will definitely miss the US dollars spent by tourists.  Mexico is less prepared than the US for a pandemic. 

Our plan is to continue to go north tomorrow.