February 24, 2020 Wandering in San Bartolo

Day 14 Playa Norte Los Barriles BCS, Mexico

After a nice morning walk, we headed into town to get provisions. We are moving to Cabo Pulmo tomorrow. It is a national marine park along the coast south of Los Barriles. There are not a lot of goods and services there.

We went to the grocery and the produce market. We also went to the water purification store. Buying bottled water here is VERY expensive. Most towns have small stores that sell purified water. We took our 5-gallon collapsible container and several other water storage bottles and got them filled. For about 12 gallons of water, we paid less than $2.00. They even sanitize your jugs before filling them.

In this town it is very evident that the business owners have a lot of pride. We see people out every single day sweeping the patios and sidewalks and even using a mop outside. Today there was a big crew working to sweep the main street.

It was cloudy and there was the forecast for high winds, so we chose not to go to the beach. We decided to drive into San Bartolo today. First, we took some sandy back-roads and just wandered for a while.

These trees appear to grow up out of the rock.

Big bull up ahead.

The coolest area we found was here at these rocks. There were lots of cows with calves in the area. We didn’t get too close because there was nowhere for them to go and we didn’t want them to feel trapped.

We went back to town and had eggs for lunch…Tim had huevos Mexicano and I had huevos con chorizo.

We went to the hardware store to get some propane for our grill. On the window was a poster…If these people would please do the favor of paying their bills…

Brian and Carol invited us to supper this evening. We went to Cafe Maria where we toasted to “Baja friends.” Hopefully they will still be in Los Barriles next week when we return from Cabo Pulmo.

If we do not post for the next week or so…no worries…we are not certain that we will have cell/WiFi where we are going. We will catch up when we get back.