February 23, 2020 Lazy Day

Day 13 Playa Norte Los Barriles BCS, Mexico

Last night, after I posted the blog, and well after dark, I went scorpion hunting. The Alaskan family we met the other day had been out at night and seen lots of scorpions. I got out the blacklight and went for a walk around the campground. I did not find any. I was both glad…because we sleep here…and disappointed…all I saw was a big cockroach that scurried away before I could get a picture!

We saw the sunrise again this morning.

The weather forecast today was for wind…It was warm and sunny but the wind was pretty stiff. We decided to just stay at home. It was a lazy day spent relaxing and reading and not much else.

We did go into town this afternoon to watch the end of the NASCAR race and to have an early dinner. The driver I favor, Joey Lagano, won this week.

We took a ride along the beach. The sand was blowing and the surf was rough.

There were a few brave windsurfers and kite boarders out today but we noticed that they were NOT beginners. Lots of them were catching air and doing some pretty cool acrobatics.