February 15, 2020 Finding a Waterfall

Day 5 Playa Norte Los Barriles BCS, Mexico

This morning was lazy and we got a slow start.

Tim took a beach walk while I worked on pictures. After posting the blog, we sat outside in the sunshine watching the water.
We went into town and found a street vendor selling sweet corn tamales.

We enjoyed them for our lunch with a little Mexican orange fudge for dessert. The fudge is made of milk, sugar, and orange rinds. It’s very sweet and very orangy!

This afternoon, we took a Jeep ride in the arroyo near the campground.

We began to see a trickle of water and then a stream running in the wash. I remembered that there was a waterfall nearby, accessible only with 4WD…Kyle and Allison, are you interested??? I love to find surprises on our adventures!

We drove as far as we could and then walked in the water between the rocks to the waterfall.

We saw a bunch of caracaras. They looked smaller and less vibrantly white…maybe juveniles?!?

This lizard blended in so well with the sand, I only spotted him because he moved so quickly.

We saw wild burros…a mom and two foals. The babies hid behind mother when I tried to take their picture.

We enjoyed happy hour this evening with Carol and Brian. Salsa and chips and crab dip and crackers. A nice way to end our day.

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