February 10, 2020 Let’s Just Drive and See What We See!

Day 7 Pescadero RV Park, Pescadero BCS, Mexico

After doing some laundry, we packed our cooler and went for a drive. We tried the Todos Santos Post Office again, but it was closed. We took the paved road north of town and out onto a sandy road. This road is called Calle Las Playitas or Street of Small Beaches.

There are several beach access roads. The first two took us to surfing “communities.”

We overheard the surfers talking…they were waiting for the tide to go out and for the wind to die down. We did see a couple of guys get good waves.

We drove further north and found our lunch spot. We were on a secluded beach…no one in sight for miles. We did see whales again today.

We drove even further north and again found ourselves on a long expanse of deserted beach. We sat in the sand. I was mesmerized. I watched the endless cycle of the waves…the swells building and building and then cresting and curling and crashing into the sand. I was filled with an intense feeling of serenity and peace. I hope that you have had that experience and been somewhere so beautiful that your heart feels full.

There was one piece of trash on the beach…we took it with us.

We passed several small ranches and farms along our way. These ladies and gentlemen were out for lunch!

We ate leftovers for dinner and then went back to the beach for sunset. It was fairly cloudy but still pretty.