February 9, 2020 Sharing “Our” Beach

Day 6 Pescadero RV Park, Pescadero BCS, Mexico

We decided to take our picnic and go back to “our” beach. It was so lovely there and we knew we would never find anyplace prettier. When we arrived there were several other Mexican families enjoying the day. Men were fishing, women had fires waiting, children were playing. It has been our observation that Sundays here are family day. It was nice to see everyone loves this little beach as much as we have!

The grey whales seemed to be particularly close today. Maybe because of the tide or maybe because of our position on the beach and our own perception. Although the water was calm, the surf was pounding and you could see the powerful undertow. The beaches here on the Pacific side are NOT swimming beaches!

Again there were too many whales to count!! We also saw one sea lion.

The cows came down to the edge of the vegetation and stayed all afternoon.

We left the beach and took a road toward the mountains for a few kilometers. The sky grew dark but the storm clouds seemed to be hovering over the mountaintops. The sky above the ocean was still bright.

This evening we went to town to the Todos Santos Brewing Company.

Tim had a beer called All Snakes Swim, an Irish stout.

There was live music tonight. The first guy to play was one of the owners. He was good and we enjoyed listening to him.

The second guy was the main show, Mike Torres, Jr. was a fabulous musician. We had a great time singing along, drinking beer/wine, and sampling appetizers. What a fun evening!!