February 7, 2020 Back to Todos Santos

Day 4 Pescadero RV Park, Pescadero BCS, Mexico

Happy birthday my dear friend, Lois!!!

We started our day with laundry…not such a chore when you can wait by the pool.

Now that we know that we don’t want to travel into Cabo to camp, we have decided to stay put here for another 4 nights. The RV Park is very nice, the beaches nearby are even nicer, and we really like the little town of Todos Santos. We drove into town. This is the mission church.

We walked in the more residential neighborhood and visited the small grocery stores, produce markets and the pescadaria or fish market. We were in search of a post office to mail postcards to the boys. We spoke to 3 different people who gave us 3 different sets of directions…all minus street names…We walked for a long time and realized that we should go and get the Jeep and search!

We finally found the post office but the woman who works there was eating her lunch. The post office was now closed for the day but would reopen tomorrow.

We take so many things for granted back in Maryland…trash service, clean water, mailboxes. It is very different here. The priorities are different. Time definitely doesn’t mean the same thing. We are so accustomed to getting things done immediately…getting our check when we ask, getting our meals in speedy manner, getting things delivered to our house with Amazon Prime, having continuous access to cell service and WiFi. All of those things seem very nice…but there is absolutely something important to be learned from a simpler life and a slower pace. It is not backward here…just different and we are really appreciating the differences. We want to be exposed to the culture and wander the small towns, and eat the street food and talk to the people. Everyone we have met has been so kind and gracious.

We purchased shrimp and asparagus and strawberries from vendors on the street out of the back of pickup trucks. We have found this is the best way to get the freshest stuff. We know that there is always room for negotiation…but we pay the price that is asked…these people need to feed their families…we don’t have the heart to argue for a better deal. These people are of such humble means and we have everything we could ever want…

We got some pastries from a man pedaling his bicycle with a giant basket on the front. Everything looked tasty and fresh.

We did stop at the beach bar for our daily whale fix. We are captivated by these marine giants. Today we saw a humpback slap the water with his tail 16 times in succession. The splashing was tremendous and we could hear the thumping even above the noisy crash of the waves. Scientists are not sure why humpbacks slap their tails in this way….maybe a mating call, maybe a social communication, maybe for no reason at all…it was spectacular to watch! We also saw a whale very far away, breaching again and again. His head was high above the horizon and it looked very cool.

We cooked our shrimp and asparagus and had our strawberries and pastries for dessert. Again at the end of this day, we are so thankful!

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