February 6, 2020 In and Out of the City

Day 3 Pescadero RV Park Pescadero BCS, Mexico

When we read about camping options in Cabo San Lucas, we were not sure that there was anything that really could accommodate our rig. We decided to take the Jeep to the city and go on a fact finding mission before we decided where to go next. I navigated as Tim made his way through the narrow and very busy city streets. As we approached the water and some possible camping spots, Tim was certain that he did not want to drive the RV in Cabo. We went to Walmart to stock up on supplies while we were in town. As we left, we stopped to pick up some chicken enchiladas and we drove to the Jeep north of Cabo San Lucas.

We ate our lunch and watched the whales. There were grey whales swimming about 150 feet from the shore. We saw a pair of humpbacks breaching together three times in succession. As we sat there, there was a steady stream of whales traveling south. It was an amazing sight to see!!

I walked to the end of the beach.

Looking through the binoculars, we thought we could see movement on the top of this rock. I walked all the way to the point and I was still too far away to tell what might be there…but with the zoom on my camera, I was able to capture this pair of sea lions.

A cool bird…not sure what it is…

We returned to the RV for awhile this afternoon.

We took our dinner of roasted chicken, fresh bread and butter, and papaya and blueberries….and of course a little sangria…and went back to the beach. The whales were active again. This was the 5th trip to the beach in the 3 days that we have been here and we have seen whales every single time.

We had a small fire and watched the sunset. It was another great day…except for the city part…we just aren’t city people! AS you look at the pictures, you will notice that I failed to take a single picture in Cabo…

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