February 4, 2020 Pescadero

Mileage: 75,434

Pescadero RV Park, Pescadero BCS, Mexico

Our drive today from La Ventana to Pescadero was short. We traveled up and over the mountains again to the Pacific coast. Once we turned onto Route 19, the road was flat and wide and there was even a decent shoulder.

As we neared our destination, our directions had us turn onto a sandy road…where are you taking us now???

We arrived at Pescadero RV Park before noon. They had just downed this palm tree and we had to wait outside the gate for them to get it strapped onto the back of their truck…

The truck passed through the gate and off they went with the palm tree…yikes!

This afternoon, we drove to the beach. We found our way to this beach bar. We sat and watched the surfers, some quite good. We saw either grey whales or humpbacks in the distance. We also saw a huge pod of dolphins.

We spent some time by the pool before dinner.