January 31, 2020 Love in Magdalena Bay

Day 2 Misiones RV Park Ciudad Constitucion BCS, Mexico

We set out this morning without a real plan. We headed to Puerto Lopez Mateos.

When we arrived, we saw that there was a festival in progress. Today was the first day for the Festival of the Grey Whales.

We walked down to the wharf where the whale watching tours begin. We spoke to a guy about taking a tour and just as we were deciding what to do, a couple, Mike and Holly, from Vancouver Island, approached us. They were looking for people to share a boat with. The boat was 1600 pesos for up to six people for one hour. We decided to go with them.

We boarded the boat and glided across the calm water of the bay.

We saw this coyote on the sand spit.

The skipper parked his panga near the mouth. Almost immediately we began to see a pair of whales. We thought mother and baby but the skipper in his broken English and sign language told us that the pair were mating. All of our pictures are of this pair of whales. It was a magical experience.

After our hour of whale watching, we had lunch with Holly and Mike at the festival. We chatted about our travel experiences. They have been staying in Loreto for a month in a friend’s casita. It is almost time for them to go home.

We decided to take the back-way home. We traveled for miles on sandy roads, across big open spaces and thorny desert.

We were tired when we got back…an easy egg, cheese, and chorizo burrito for our dinner and some quiet time.