Day 2 Malarrimo RV Park Guerrero Negro, Mexico
We had to set the alarm to get up and get ready for our whale watching tour…but I was awake long before the alarm. I was very excited to take this trip. We had heard that sometimes the whales got close enough to the boat to touch them!
A van arrived to take us to the lagoon.

The female grey whales come to warmer water to give birth. The lagoon is a nursery. Mother and calves will stay here until spring. Currently, there are about 50-60 whales in the lagoon. Last February, there were approximately 2,000. Mama whales can be as long as 49 feet and weigh as much as 40 tons. They live between 55-70 years. Newborns are about 13-16 feet long and weigh about 1,500 pounds. It is believed that the mothers bring babies to the shallower lagoons to protect them from sharks and orcas. All the whales began their annual migration from the north in October. Their roundtrip is about 10,000 to 13,000 miles. These are baleen whales.
Today we saw whales in the Laguna Ojo de Liebre. I am certain that we saw more than 2 dozen whales. We saw moms and their babies and single adult whales. They were often within 20 feet of our boat. It was a rare privilege to be so close to these tremendous animals. It was amazing to hear and see the whales coming up beside the boat.

Nothing yet!!

Carol took a video…watch and enjoy!!!
We also saw dolphins traveling along with the whales.

A squadron of pelicans.

Lunch spot.

A bunch of sea lions.

A salt barge.

Back in town we took the Jeep to the car-wash. $4.00 to have the Jeep hand-washed!

Today was an amazing day!!! I am so glad we had this opportunity! The pictures are not very spectacular…but being there certainly was!!
OMG! Looks amazing! Did you see any babies? How many ppl were on the boat?
What was the cost to do that? I’m so jealous!! 🙂
It cost $96.00 for the two of us. There were three couples and the skipper. We did see babies. The pictures don’t do it justice. It was a spectacular experience!!
If you ever get the chance…GO!!!