January 20, 2020 Sandy Road and Meeting New People

Day 2 Daggett’s Beach Bahia de los Angeles, Mexico

Happy Birthday Debbie!!!

We woke up in time to see the sun rise.

A walk along “our” beach.

We packed the cooler with lunch and set out to explore the gravel road south of town. This road goes for 132 km eventually arriving at the destination of Punto San Francisquito. We had no desire to go that far. The gravel washboard surface allowed us to go only about 10 miles an hour.

We stopped at this secluded beach. We took a short walk, soaking in the sunshine, and enjoying the views of the turquoise water and the rocky coast.

As we traveled further south, we found a soft, sandy road that took us through the desert. We passed no one else. The sky was super blue, the clouds feathery, the mountains around us cast alternately in light and shadows.

We stopped for a picnic on our new Jeep table.

At this point we had rejoined the main road.  We had been 24 km.  The end of the road was still more than 100 km.  We decided to head back to town. 

We stopped at the small mercado where we purchased water and crackers and nuts all for $4.00. 

I spent lots of time in the afternoon trying to work on the blog with very spotty WiFi that kept booting me off.  I was reading though, as I tried to load pictures, sitting in a wooden rocker with a nice view of the beach. 

Today we met Brian and Carol from Vancouver Island.  In May they began their journey, traveling all the way across Canada to Newfoundland and Nova Scotia and then through Nashville, Tennessee and on to Florida then across the south coast of the United States into Texas and Arizona.  They will also be spending the winter in Baja.  They have visited many of the same places we have and we enjoyed sharing stories with them as we sat on the patio sipping wine.  As dinnertime approached, Carol invited us to share fresh yellowtail that they had been gifted by some fishermen.  We cooked some corn on the cob and sweet potatoes, Carol made a salad and sliced some strawberries. We feasted and chatted.  They are truly kindred spirits.  They also travel without a schedule, enjoying the freedoms of this crazy life!  We are all following the same path through Baja and if it works, we will travel together tomorrow to Guerrero Negro.