January 19, 2020 Bahia de los Angeles

Mileage:  74,716

Daggett’s Beach Bahia de los Angeles, Mexico

Congratulations Megan and Tristen on your engagement. You are a special couple and we wish you every happiness!!!!

We continued across the desert through the Valle de los Cirios.  Route 1 was initially rough and narrow just south of Catavina. 

At Punto Prieta, we turned left onto a nicely paved road, straighter and smoother. 

By lunchtime, we were in Bahia de los Angeles.

The Gulf of California is beautiful!!

We found a campsite on the beach.  $30.00 a night with electric and some limited WiFi.

We took the Jeep on a gravel road to the north…more splendid views of the water!!

A drive through town.

Tonight, we went to a Mexican restaurant for dinner.  250 pesos or about $15.00 for our dinner. I once said that I could eat Mexican food every night of the week…that may get tested here!!

2 thoughts on “January 19, 2020 Bahia de los Angeles

  1. Sounds so cool. I would have been stressed about the language barrier. What’s the weather like?

    1. Hello!!!
      Where we are now it is finally warmer…in the seventies!
      Yesterday was our first day in shorts and flip flops!

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