January 16, 2020 Bienvenidos!!

Mileage: 74,359

Campo #5 La Bufadora, Mexico

It was very cold last night.  When we got up, the outside faucet and the hose were frozen!!  Time to go south!

See the border wall up high on the mountain ledge?

We are really and truly in Mexico.  After weeks and months of preparation and research and planning, we crossed the border at Tecate this morning.  The border crossing was fairly smooth and so much easier than I had imagined! 

We traveled through town.

Route 3 is a fairly good road that winds its way through wine country and across to the west coast of Baja Norte at Ensenada. 

Our guidebook suggested a campground on the beach just 6 miles south of town but when we arrived at the Estero Beach Resort, we were told that they no longer had a campground.  Tim looked through the book and chose a place in La Bufadora.  A camping spot on the mountainside with spectacular views of the beach and water below.  It was 150 pesos or $9.00 for a dry campsite. 

We took the Jeep for a ride on a dirt road.

This is an agave.  As it blooms it begins to die.  The weight of the flowers will eventually pull the plant out of the ground.  The blossoms will become new plants.

We went into town but this afternoon the busses from the cruise ships were parked and the whole vendor area was swarming with tourists.

We spent the afternoon watching the water, reading, and napping.  After 4pm we could see many of the busses leaving.  We headed out again to see the town.  It was nearing 5pm and the restaurants and shops were all closing.  We were able to walk to La Bufadora Blow Hole.  This is the second largest marine geyser in the world.

The sun was setting as we headed out.  There was one last restaurant on the outskirts of town.  We toasted to our new adventure!  We had a good meal with 2 beers, 1 margarita, chicken enchiladas, and fish tacos for 25.70 USD or about 500 pesos.

There was a cat in the restaurant…

What a great day and a great way to begin this new adventure!!!