January 15, 2020 We are Ready!

Mileage: 74,259

Lake Morena County Park Campo, California

We haven’t just been preparing in Yuma…we have also been waiting. My mother has a tumor in her parotid gland. We have been waiting for biopsy results before we traveled even further from home.

We took a walk in the campground while we waited. We heard from her at lunchtime. The second biopsy results are negative. She is still facing a surgery to remove the mass sometime in the near future.

We decided that we would travel to Mexico as planned. We visited R L Jones Insurance company in Yuma and got our Mexican travel insurance. Back at the RV, we applied for and printed our FMM visitor cards. We wanted to travel closer to our border crossing in Tecate. We fueled up the RV and drove into southern California. The drive was initially all farmland. The air smelled like cabbage and broccoli and pesticides and fertilizer.

We passed Ocotillo and the landscape changed dramatically. Windmills and great mountains of crumbled rock comprised our scenery as we climbed to 4,000 feet.

We arrived in Campo in late afternoon. We camped at Lake Moreno County Park. We took a nice walk as the sun fell behind the mountains. We saw a flock of more than 40 wild turkeys. They were skittish when we got too close and so I had lots of pictures of turkeys backsides…these are the best pics.

The park is quite pretty…though the lake is very small.

Tomorrow we begin another grand adventure and we are very excited!! We know that many of you will be worried if you don’t see our blog up every day but we already know that we will NOT always have service…so be patient, and we will post as soon as we can! If we know ahead that we will be out of service…we will try to warn you! We also plan to be in touch with our family every day that we can.

4 thoughts on “January 15, 2020 We are Ready!

  1. So happy to hear good news about your mom. Enjoy the ride! We look forward to hearing about your adventures.

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