December 26-January 5 Winter Break with the Grandbabies

We left Baltimore on the day after Christmas. Gigi was with us. We were on our way to Atlanta to celebrate Christmas and then to watch Oliver and Austin for the week after Christmas. It was a lovely, noisy, chaotic visit with lots of laughter ans shenanigans!!

On our way!!
Such sweetness…Gigi and Austin
Sweet family in ugly sweaters and having fun!
Snap Chat fun!
Must do everything Ollie does!
Kyle…those soft blocks are so much fun!
The boys attack Gigi!
Helping Pop pop pour concrete
Austin helping too!
Kroger with the boys
Return from Kroger with just one shoe…oops!!
You have to be very sneaky to get him to sleep
Thanks Aunt Debbie for my pup pup blanket!
100 piece puzzle by himself…ages 6 and up…this boy is clever!
Unwrapping corn
Is there a doctor in the house?
So many doctors!
That tool belt though!!!
Mama’s boots
Two boys in the pantry together sweeping…what could go wrong???
Hiding in our fort!
Christmas craft
This boy loves to play ball
Fun with Gigi…giddy-up!!
Watching Frosty with Grammy
Swing swing
Throwing webs
Sweet brothers