November 21, 2019 On The Road Again

Mileage:  71,212

Winnie-Stowell County Park Campground Winnie, Texas

Goodbye beautiful beach!

Today Tim spent the day driving and I spent the day riding.  We traveled just a little over 300 miles.  We passed through Corpus Christi and then for most of the day we drove through wide open space…filled with grassy fields, agricultural areas, windmills, cattle, trains, industry, black dirt, tractor trailers, power plants, road construction…and then through Houston…crowded and congested. 

When we emerged on 10E on the other side of Houston, it was time to think about a stopping place.  We pulled into a rest area and looked at options.  I have a clear memory of being at that same rest stop last spring and choosing the Winnie-Stowell County Park then as well.  We rested for a while and then hopped on our bikes.  It felt good to be moving on this warm and pleasant day.

We passed this FEMA tent and then we passed lots of houses with debris in the yard.  On September 19, 2019, the town of Winnie had 40 inches of rain.  The area was badly flooded.  People had to be rescued in boats and military vehicles.  Many of the houses are still terribly damaged.  Some families who were affected by Imelda, had been previously affected by Harvey.  It is humbling to see people who work with determination and grit to be resilient.

We found a good BBQ place for an easy dinner.

November Days of Thanksgiving Day #21:  We are thankful for each new town that we visit.  We always make an effort to see the good.  Every place has its own beauty.