November 16, 2019 Beach Patrol Day 2

Day 2

Malaquite Beach Campground Padre Island National Seashore Corpus Christi, Texas

This morning we met our neighbors.  Linda and Mark who also have a Jeep.  When two Jeep guys get together, they have to compare gear…it’s a Jeep thing!  This Jeep is outfitted with a tent on top and awning along one side and on the back.  They are using solar panels.  We have been considering an awning and some solar power as well.  It’s helpful to talk to other people and get ideas about what works.  The inside of their Jeep is designed to accommodate storage and camping needs.   Mark and Linda have been traveling for months.  They are great people.  We had a lot in common and they were fun to talk with.   

We went to the visitor center so that we could borrow some WiFi to post the blog.  It was taking a long time.  Tim went back to the RV and made us each a 3rd cup of coffee.  When the blog was posted, we drove out onto the beach.  The birds all take off as we go by.

Our new friends, were set up to camp among the dunes.  We stopped to say hello and we left them with a trash bag, promising we would come back to collect it!

We drove several miles and then got out to collect trash.  Debris that washes up on shore comprises the foundation of the dunes.  Sea grass, shells, wood, and coral are covered by sand and the dunes grow.  Unfortunately, when all of the plastic garbage washes up, it becomes the base for the dunes.

Today we collected 9 bags of trash and some other big stuff.  Tim found a syringe and I found a purse, lots of flossers, Q-tips, combs, bic lighters, ballpoint pens and the usual flip flops, bottles, and other stuff.  Do you know how long it takes plastic to biodegrade???  It NEVER, EVER does!

It was Saturday and there were lots of people out fishing.  We stopped to take a picture of this beauty.  The guys said they had been catching lots of drums and redfish.

As we passed by, we saw what looked like a coyote in a campsite along the dunes.  We circled back and it was indeed a coyote.  We drove to where the guys were fishing in the surf and Tim yelled: “there’s a coyote in your campsite!”  The older guy said that the coyote had been there for a couple of days and was really no bother.  “He’s not causing any trouble!”  The fishermen have been feeding the coyote their fish heads and so the coyote keeps coming back!  These guys were from Wyoming…they have seen a coyote or two!

We picked up the trash from Mark and Linda and left them with some firewood/driftwood that we had gathered along the beach.  They plan to stay there on the beach for the next five nights.  They have all of their provisions.  We had offered to deliver anything they needed.  We intend to go out again tomorrow and we will check in on them again!

We drove to the sound side and sat a bit.

Tim drove into town to get gas in the Jeep and I got dinner ready.

November Days of Thanksgiving Day #16:  We are grateful for the people we meet along the way, for stories shared, and for Jeep and travel advice!