November 12, 2019 Nasty Weather Day!

Day 7

South Padre Island KOA South Padre Island, Texas

The weather for last night was forecasted to be very windy at 9pm.  We had walked to dinner and the water was still and calm, the temperatures were warm and balmy.  At 9pm, we still had the windows open and it was comfortable.  At 9:17, the wind whipped itself into a frenzy…so quickly the weather changed!

I woke up a little after 1am.  I checked the wind speeds…WOW!

For the rest of the night and then all day today, the wind was wicked.  There was driving rain and it was cold.

Herman came out to fix the thermostat and unfortunately, the new thermostat did not fix the problem with the heat…It was WAY TOO windy for the repairman to get up on the roof and look at the unit…They will have to come back.

We have the rear unit which is working properly, but it is not enough to keep the whole RV cozy.  We plugged in a portable heater and piled on the blankets.  We had hot oatmeal for breakfast and hot tomato basil soup for lunch and hot tea this afternoon…just trying to stay warm!

This was a good day to do not much!  We never even left the RV.  I practiced Spanish, read, journaled, and made some phone calls.  I organized the Tupperware and took everything out of the pantry and put it all back neatly.

We cannot decide what to do…whether we should stay put and hope to get the heat fixed…it will not be warmer anywhere else that we go…we might just wait until tomorrow to decide.  I am definitely glad that we hadn’t planned to travel today.  The wind would have been pushing us all over the road!

I didn’t mean to say that it was a terrible day…because it wasn’t!

November Days of Thanksgiving Day #12:  We are grateful for quiet, restful days!

4 thoughts on “November 12, 2019 Nasty Weather Day!

  1. Hoping you get your heat fixed real soon. The weather here is horrible, 27 degrees this morning….BRRR. It’s only November!!! Will you be spending Thanksgiving with your grandbabies??
    Safe travels!

    1. We will find a way to stay warm enough!
      I am just glad we aren’t home right now…too chilly!
      And yes…we are working our way north to see the grandbabies for Thanksgiving…we can’t wait!!

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