November 8, 2019 WINDY!!!

Day 3

South Padre Island KOA South Padre Island, Texas

During the night, the wind began to wail.  It battered the RV until morning and then did not let up all day.  Winds were 26 mph.  There was supposed to be rain and we had a little. 

We spent the morning doing laundry, changing, sheets, cleaning the bathroom, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera…

The mobile RV repair guy came and they have to order a new thermostat.  It just means a few more days at the beach!

We took a Jeep ride this afternoon.  We ventured to the sound side. It smelled marshy and organic, the sky was leaden, and the wind was stiff.

White pelican mingling with the brown pelicans.  The white pelicans come here to overwinter.

Such a pretty shore birds!

The ocean was roiling and rough.  The tide was high so we didn’t travel far down the beach.

We had fun watching the windsurfers.  They were racing across the water.  It looks like it requires a lot of upper body strength.  The surfers were certainly enjoying the brisk breeze!

Blowing sand!

We napped and read this afternoon.  I used Duolingo to work on my Spanish lessons.

This evening we went to dinner at Senor Donkey.  We needed to get out for a while.  We had Mexican seafood and to go with it, I had a Mango Chamoy Margarita. Chamoy is a combination of fruit, in this case tamarind, and chilies. It was sweet and sour and spicy and left my mouth feeling tingly!

The Christmas decorations and the donkey with the Santa hat made me feel anxious…it’s only the beginning of November!

The churning water at the campground pier.

November Days of Thanksgiving Day #8: We are thankful for hookups and heat and TV.