November 4, 2019 Texas is BIG!!!

Mileage: 70,375

Brush Country RV Park Carrizo Springs, Texas

We were sad to leave Big Bend this morning. I really enjoyed our time there. We still have not see all there is to see…so it’s possible that we will return one day! The scenery is breathtaking. The proximity to the border and the opportunity to cross was an amazing experience. We saw lots of wildlife too.

Today we traveled 50 miles just to get through the park. Then we headed east on 90. The ride today was very pretty.

Lunch spot.

Pecos River.

Amistad Reservoir.

We stopped this afternoon in the town of Del Rio to gather supplies.

We decided to drive on…there wasn’t much to see in Del Rio and it was only 4. The next town with campgrounds was a little more than 1 1/2 hours away. As we traveled those last miles, the sun began to set. We saw lots of javelina, some deer, some pronghorns, lots of hawks, and a beautiful owl.

We saw lots and lots of dead skunks…maybe 50! I figure that the coyote and other scavengers probably come to clean up all of the other roadkill…but none of the other animals will eat the skunks…I may have made that up…but it makes sense! Some of our ride today smelled like skunk!

Pepe La Pew

We were stopped at a border control station this afternoon and again this evening. These stations are placed sporadically along the border. There are a lot of sensors and cameras scanning and inspecting vehicles as they pass through. The officers walked around the RV with a dog. They asked if we were US citizens and then allowed us to continue on our way.

We got settled into the campground and ate a quick dinner. The rest of the evening was spent catching up on the blog. We have to have internet to load pictures and we had none all weekend.

November Days of Thanksgiving Day #4: We are so grateful for our current gypsy, wandering, vagabond lifestyle. We feel so lucky to be able to travel and enjoy this time together…we know we won’t always be able to do this…