October 28, 2019 Forced Rest Day

Day 6

Catalina State Park Tucson, Arizona

It was another great morning for a bike ride.

There is an equestrian camping area here as well.

We parked our bikes and hiked an easy trail.

There was a rock in the sandy trail that I did not see. I must have tread on it just the wrong way. I twisted my ankle and I went down. It took me several minutes to gather myself but I was able to hobble back to my bike and ride back to the RV. I can bear weight…though gingerly! So, I spent most of the day resting and elevating and icing…a forced day of relaxation!

While I rested, I watched this gila woodpecker. It was digging pulp out of the hole in the tree and throwing it out. It reappeared every minute or so and then at last, flew off.

By late afternoon, with Advil and ice and lots of TLC, my ankle was feeling better. We had an appointment at 4WP for new sturdier differential covers. When the Jeep was ready, we drove back toward the campground, stopping at Olive Garden for wine and dinner.

Last night, we got back to the campground at around 9:30. We decided to ride through to see if we could see any nocturnal wildlife. We saw a skunk and a jackrabbit. Tonight after dinner, we rode through again. This time I had my camera ready. We saw 3 jackrabbits but they were too fast and too far away.

We also saw 3 skunks. Trust me…these are all pictures of skunks!

Tomorrow it is time to move on!

2 thoughts on “October 28, 2019 Forced Rest Day

  1. OH no! Hope today finds your ankle feeling good! I can tell by your posts that you like to stay on the go, but rest is a good thing! Safe travels today!

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