October 24, 2019 Canada Del Oro Riverfront Bike Trail

Day 2

Catalina State Park Tucson, Arizona

After yesterday’s ordeal, we did not want to take a Jeep trail! We decided to cycle on the Canada Del Oro Riverfront Bike Trail.

This was a lovely paved, safe place to ride. It was kind of windy. We always prefer to ride into the wind first and use the tailwind on the way back!

This wildlife connection post was erected by a local girl scout troop. I love the messages!

Our lunch spot.

We had a delightful tailwind, we hardly had to pedal! We were enjoying just coasting along and missed our turn…which meant we had to bike back into the headwind to get back on track. No worries…it was good work and a perfect day to be riding!

The highlight of our day was reconnecting with Lee and Claudia! We were invited for wine before dinner. We enjoyed dinner at The Views. We went back to their house for coffee after dinner. It is so nice to spend time with them,we have so much in common!