October 6, 2019 Drive To Cedar City

Mileage:  68,590

Cedar City KOA Cedar City, Utah

I woke up at 2 am.  I peeked out the window and the stars looked so dazzling!  I wrapped myself in a blanket, put my slippers on and walked outside to appreciate the view.  I stayed out as long as I could…until I got shivery.

Today we took scenic byways to Cedar City. 

There were about a dozen pronghorns in the distant field.  I honestly wasn’t sure what I was taking pictures of, they were so far away.  When I sorted pictures this evening, our guess was confirmed.

Red Canyon tunnels…Tim said “Did you know these tunnels were here? NO, I didn’t but fortunately they were tall enough for us to easily pass through.  We are 12’8”…the tunnel was 13’2”.

We took a short walk at Red Canyon.

Gambel oak.

Pretty scenery.

We arrived in Cedar City this afternoon.  Our appointment with the Jeep dealer is at 8 am tomorrow.  The KOA campground we chose is right across the road.

We spent today catching up on ordinary things.  Tim also got to watch NASCAR and football.  Life is good 😊!