October 2, 2019 Setback…But On Our Way Now!

Mileage:  68,385

Thousand Lakes RV Park Torrey, Utah

Today didn’t turn out like we thought it might.  Some days are like that.  We took the Jeep for repairs at 9 this morning.  We knew we had at least 3 hours to kill while they fixed the Jeep.  We went to the RV wash and gave big baby a good bath.  Next we filled the RV propane tank.  We went to the grocery store and Walmart to stock up.  We still had time to fill.  I had seen a sign for flu shots and decided that today would be a good day to get that accomplished as well.  The first pharmacy we went to said that our insurance would only cover the flu shot if we went to the doctor at home to get them…NOT POSSIBLE!!  If we paid cash, it was going to cost us $60.00 each.  I’m not really sure that I understand how health insurance works…

The pharmacist apologized and gave us 2 other suggestions.  The health department gives flu shots each day from 3 – 4:30 for $55.00 cash…NOPE! 

Tim knew I wasn’t going to give up.  We are going to visit the grandchildren in December and Tim has had pneumonia a couple of times…we were getting FLU SHOTS!!!  The last option was a small private pharmacy in town.  They give flu shots for $25.00…YES!! They were friendly and wonderful and she did a good stick!  Flu shots done!

The Jeep dealer called…they had unfortunate and disappointing news.  They had the parts but they didn’t have the specific seal press necessary to fix our Jeep…not so good.  We left at 1:30 this afternoon.  I wouldn’t say that we wasted those days in Price.  We certainly got to see some cool things that we otherwise would not have seen.

We drove south and it wasn’t until we were on Route 24 and headed to Capitol Reef that we finally were able to relax.  We were on a new road and we were moving on!  We have an appointment at a larger Jeep dealer in Cedar City on Monday.  They already have the parts and they said that they have the tool to complete the repair. 

In the meantime…we needed to breathe…and ENJOY THE RIDE!

We found a nice full-service campground outside of the national park.  The NP campground and other BLM areas were full.  We went to the visitor center to get our options for seeing this area tomorrow. 

It was 5 pm before we were settled.  We have a beautiful home for the night.

2 thoughts on “October 2, 2019 Setback…But On Our Way Now!

  1. Sorry to hear about the issues with the jeep, but it sounds like you had a very productive day. Don’t worry, Be happy!!

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