Mileage: 68,018
Ken’s Lake Campground Moab, Utah
Happy Birthday Mom!!!
We moved the RV and packed our cooler. Linda and Dominik wanted to come with us today to Canyonlands. We put their bikes on the back of the Jeep and packed all of their bags. They were hoping to stay in the campground at the park.

We stopped at the Canyonlands Visitor Center so that they could fill their water bottles. We walked across to the overlook…and WOW! This portion of the National Park is called Island in the Sky. The accessible area is on the top of a very large mesa. The mesa is surrounded by the meandering Colorado River and fabulous canyons.

We went to the campground and there was not one available site. There was one woman from Oregon parked by herself on a large space. Linda and Dominik asked her if they might set up their tent on her site. She explained that she had to get there at 6 in the morning and wait for someone to leave in order to get a site. Monday evening, she shared with 6 other people who needed a space. She allowed them to stay.
After they unloaded all of their gear, the young couple toured the rest of the park with us.

They shared our picnic lunch and then Tim and the two of them walked to Upheaval Dome, the site of what was probably a meteor impact.

After we completed the scenic drive, we took Dominik and Linda back to there home for the night.

We took the Shafer Trail back to Moab. This gravel road took us to the bottom of the canyon where we followed the course of the Colorado River. It was gorgeous!

Moab Salt Mining Company.

WE stopped at the store on our way back to the RV. We grilled salmon and enjoyed our dinner outside by a campfire. Another excellent day!