September 14, 2019 Ridgway State Park, Owl Creek Pass, and Silver Jack Reservoir

Day 7

Ouray KOA Ouray, Colorado

We began the day at the Ridway State Park.  We biked to the reservoir and then along the river.  It was 75 degrees and the sky was a cloudless blue.  The ride was flat and effortless.  Biking here in this peaceful place made us both feel serene and calm. 

Canadian goose.

California gulls…we think…

Our rodent of the day.

I saw this sign.  Although the sign is weather-beaten and worn, I love the message…We cannot live without wild things!!

Next, we chose to go to the Owl Creek Pass.  The beginning of the ride took us through ranch land. 

It’s so dusty here, I usually feel like Pigpen at the end of the day!

Fortunately it was Saturday…so no road work!

Ranches gradually gave way to forest and saw-tooth mountains.

Random stacks of boulders along the road. Tim swears that someone with a machine must have moved them.

Owl Creek Pass was at an elevation of 10,114 feet.

Open range sheep…hundreds of them!

9 miles further took us to Silver Jack Reservoir where we had our lunch.  Food eaten outside always tastes better to me.  We had BLT’s with the fresh bread and produce we bought at the farmer’s market yesterday.

Since it is our last night in Ouray, we decided to go out for dinner.

We ate at The Outlaw. This was a western saloon compete with a piano player.

A huge ggma pour…the bartender didn’t want to leave the last couple of inches in the bottle…

We have stayed here for a week.  That’s a long time for us to stay in one place…but we have enjoyed each and every day. Each trail that we have taken, each town that we have wandered through has had its own special flair.  It’s time to move on now.  Tomorrow, we have reservations in a campground at Mesa Verde National Park.  We cannot wait to see what adventure awaits us there.