September 12, 2019 Alpine Loop and Corkscrew Gulch

Day 5

Ouray KOA Ouray, Colorado

Last evening, we borrowed the DVD, A Walk In The Woods, from the camp store.  We have seen this movie before.  Nick Nolte and Robert Redford go for a walk on the Appalachian Trail.  This movie is funny and wry and poignant.  It resonates with us and the choices we have made and we enjoyed seeing it again!

It was 35 degrees overnight and 47 when we started today’s journey. We saw this old Willys at the gas station.

We took the “Million Dollar Highway” or 550 to Ironton Park.  The Million Dollar Highway might be named because it cost a million dollars to build it, or because the fill dirt for the roadbed contains a million dollars in gold dust, or because of the breathtaking views…no one is really sure! 

Check out these hard core cyclists!!! No guardrails, lots of tight turns, RV’s and semis, soft soulder…

Frost on the ground…

We did another part of the Alpine Loop, the Corkscrew Gulch.

This Jeep is clearly outfitted to navigate this road in a bunch of snow!

This was an easy and pleasant ride.  We spent the morning sightseeing and bebopping to the music of the 60’s.

As we climbed more of the mountains was revealed to us as you can see in this series of pictures.  They are Red Mountain #1 and Red Mountain #2.

The pass is in the tundra at 12,047 feet.  There we saw a pair of military jets careening between the peaks.

In the distance we could see this snow filled ring of mountains.

As we descended into Silverton, this was our view.

We strolled along Main Street looking in shops as we passed. 

We found the Pickle Barrel Restaurant for our lunch.

We returned to the RV early and I spent the afternoon doing laundry and other chores. 

As I returned to our campsite, I saw these 4 Class A RV’s each with a Jeep parked in front…done for the day. What we do might seem unusual but I promise there are lots of other people out here enjoying these trails with us!

We went for a sunset ride this evening.

There are three elk here on the hillside, visible only with our excellent binoculars.

Such a beautiful place.

Nearly a full moon.