September 1, 2019 Learning About Altitude Sickness

Mileage:  67,103 Four Seasons RV Park Salida, Colorado

Tim didn’t feel well.  It started yesterday with a headache.  We had both been experiencing some mild shortness of breath with any kind of exertion.  We knew that was because of the altitude changes.  I was doing better but Tim was not.  We had spent Wednesday and Thursday riding on trails at about 8,000 feet.   Friday, we went to the Continental Divide above 12,000 feet and then slept in a tent at close to 12,000 feet.  It took us 3 hours to come back to the RV yesterday and it was clear that Tim was not feeling well.  He had a headache and a sore neck.  Later in the day he had persistent shortness of breath, fatigue, and a dry cough. 

Today when he woke up, he had a bloody nose and felt awful.  We did some research and realized that these were effects of mild altitude sickness.  We decided to move away from our free but very dusty campsite, hopefully to a lower elevation. 

We traveled to the Poncha Springs Visitor Center to empty tanks and get fresh water.  Our original plan was to drive to Aspen but Tim was in no condition to drive that far and it is at a higher altitude.  Tim didn’t feel as sharp as usual and I was concerned that his lack of decisiveness might be confusion.  We found a campground in Salida at a lower altitude.  Tim already feels better.

We have learned that even if you visit a higher altitude during the day, you should return to a lower altitude to sleep.  We have also learned that fluids and ibuprofen can be helpful in managing symptoms.  Altitude sickness can become severe.  Significant shortness of breath and confusion are reasons for medical treatment.  Fortunately, we have a plan.  We are going to stay at 7,000 feet and get more acclimated before we travel back into higher altitudes.  We got so excited by all there is to see and do that we didn’t even consider the possible ill effects.  We are smarter now!  Tim is determined to go back…he’s NOT giving up!

Meanwhile, we have had a restful day catching up with some small chores and relaxing by the river.

I made Cowboy Caviar for our lunch today. I used a recipe from Dana. I had to modify it slightly because of the ingredients I had on hand. I used apple cider vinegar and pinto beans…it was delicious!

Tim was hoping to watch the NASCAR race but it was pouring rain in Darlington, SC.  The rain delay was 3 1/2 hours. He started watching the race at 7:30. At 7:30 there was live music in the campground. I went to listen for a while. The guy could sing!

3 thoughts on “September 1, 2019 Learning About Altitude Sickness

  1. Tim & Anita,
    Glad to see you are back on the trail & having a good time. As I read I could not help wondering how you both were handling the more than 2 miles in altitude, then I went to your post on 9-1 and found the answer. I trust both of you are feeling much better by now.
    Please keep posting your trip as I do enjoy seeing the photos and the description you give.
    Curtis Bradsher

  2. Hi guys! Sure do hope that you are feeling much better by now. I enjoy your posts and love seeing the pics. Have a great trip and please, be safe.

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