August 26, 2019 God, Grass, and Grit!

August 26, 2019

Mileage:  66,908 Lake Pueblo State Park Pueblo, Colorado

We left Palo Duro early this morning.  The temperature was 69 degrees and the air felt cool and refreshing.  We saw a sign in Stafford, Texas: God, Grass, and Grit! and wind…Tim added wind! We traveled north from Palo Duro into Oklahoma.  The winds really do rush across the plains here.  The wind speed was 24 mph!

We saw lots of cattle and windmills and cornfields and trains and grassy plains.

We entered Colorado and for a long while, the landscape didn’t change.

As we approached Pueblo, there were silhouettes of mountains in the distance and it became rockier and hillier. We camped at Lake Pueblo. It is a gorgeous place and our campsite overlooks the lake.

We already decided to stay for a second night. There are places to ride our bikes in the park and along the river in town. The Colorado State Fair is also here in Pueblo this week.

Tonight though, we are sitting outside in a wonderful breeze enjoying the view, some music and wine…relaxing!