April 6, 2019 Off-road In Joshua Tree

Day 2 Twentynine Palms RV Resort Twentynine Palms, California

We had planned a long off-road drive today in Joshua Tree National Park. We packed breakfast, lunch, and snacks and started our ride. There are 9 campgrounds within the park and they are all full! The place we are staying is only a couple of miles from the north entrance to the park.

The weather was perfect today! The mountains, the rock formations, the wildflowers and the critters were all in rare form. The off-road trails were fairly tame but we had some fun spots too! We had an amazing day! We didn’t get pictures but we saw a golden eagle soaring overhead. It began to make tighter circles and it looked like he was hunting. We watched him dive and fly off with a jackrabbit in his talons. It was a spectacular sight!

Geology Tour Road took us down into Pleasant Valley. Because of the fertile soil and the water in the valley the variety of flowers here was incredible. Pictures cannot capture the large expanses of flowers nor the dazzling colors. We are fortunate to be able to see this. Many years there is not enough rain for the wildflowers to bloom. Seeds can lie dormant on the desert floor for years before the conditions are right.

Berdoo Canyon Road was a little more challenging.

We had to pull over to allow a Jeep coming from the opposite direction to pass. The guy in the first Jeep told us there were 28 more Jeeps behind him! We watched as they passed by! The last one was a little bit bigger than a Jeep!

Flowers in the canyon.

Beavertail cactus, a kind of prickly pear, in bloom.

Gorgeous views.

Lunch spot.

Desert Caterpillar or white-lined sphinx moth caterpillar.

A pair of really cool bugs.

A chuckwalla sunning himself.

We took the highway to the next trail, Pinkham Canyon Trail.

We got out to walk around and the caterpillars were everywhere! They were moving a a very fast pace across the gravel road.

This guy did not like me to get too close…he started throwing himself around.

We got back to the main park road after 5:00. Pretty here too!

In the campground there is a permanent unit parked with this sign out front. Yockey was my maiden name and it isn’t very common. I have been watching to see if anyone is around…I’d have to stop and ask if somehow we are related!?! Maybe tomorrow I will ask at the office!