April 4, 2019 Tierod Canyon

Day 10 Oasis RV Resort Las Vegas, Nevada

We began the day at McFadden-Dale Hardware. We found everything we needed to finish attaching the bike rack to the Jeep. We got back to the RV and everything fit together perfectly. We had one final hurdle…would the bikes fit on the rack with the new tire…YES!!!

We packed our lunch and headed our for a trial trail run. We wanted to try out all the new stuff on the Jeep. Tim was happy and the Jeep ran like a champ. The new tires make him a bit more brave…I will get used to it!!

The trail was initially quite tame and I think that Tim was disappointed.

Las Vegas in the distance
The Strip

Beautiful yucca blooms in the foreground.

The Joshua trees are beginning to bloom as well.

We followed the power lines for a long while.

We finally found the Tierod Canyon Trail. It was rated 5 of 7 or moderately difficult. There were lots of obstacles and Tim was challenged by the course.

Lunch Spot.

There are still things we cannot try! Tim said rock crawlers probably use these steep trails.

While we were out, we got a texted a bunch of pictures. PopPop, Oliver, and Austin were all out 4 wheeling today!

It was a successful run. We are leaving Las Vegas tomorrow and will head south toward Joshua Tree National Park.