April 1, 2019 Range Rover Roadblock

Day 7 Oasis RV Resort Las Vegas, Nevada

We wanted to go back to Red Rock Canyon and go hiking and take the Jeep off-road.

I am really glad that we went back. The view from the hiking trail is incredible. You get an entirely different perspective of the rock formations. The rock is very intricate and beautiful. The layers of sediment that formed this sandstone is easy to walk on except when it is wet. Apparently it gets slippery but also very brittle and therefore dangerous. We stood in awe, watching the climbers. They looked like ants or spiders scrambling up the rock-faces.

The yucca plants are just beginning to bloom.

We took the Jeep on a trail.

Always looking for the perfect picnic spot.

There were a couple of challenging sections…always get out and look instead of getting into a jam!

It looked passable…so on we went.

Part of what makes this so thrilling is that you never know what lays ahead on the trail. Wildlife encounters, obstacles, stunning vistas…or a brand new, very expensive Range Rover with temporary tags…stuck and with 2 flat front tires…in the middle of the trail…

Tim walked ahead on the trail, looking to see if he could find the driver. We will never know what really happened here but when I peered through the window it looked like someone had tried to start it or move it without a key…lots of wires sticking out and a screwdriver on the seat. We had no cell phone service but we were going to report the car at the ranger station. On our way out we passed some guys in a big pickup with tires in the back. They were going to get their car!

Beautiful day!