March 10, 2019 NASCAR TicketGuardian 500

Day 2 South Dunes Campground ISM Raceway Phoenix, Arizona

I was so confused this morning. Yesterday we crossed into Arizona from California. There is an hour time difference. Last night was daylight savings time. Arizona doesn’t do daylight savings time. My phone said it was 11:02 am. Tim’s phone said it was 10:02 am.

I googled “what time is it in Arizona right now?” and this is what Google told me…

I still really didn’t know what time it was…I texted Kyle and subtracted 3 hours. Tim’s phone was correct. All this time we have been traveling back and forth from California and Arizona and our phones have automatically updated. It’s not usually any big deal…we have NO schedule whatsoever, but today we had race tickets!

Tim really really likes NASCAR and I don’t mind going along. When we found out that the Phoenix race was the same weekend that Kyle and Allison needed to be at the Phoenix airport…we took it as a sign. This is the view from the roof of the RV.

It was a beautiful day for a race!

In the background you can see the infamous Rattlesnake Hill. You can pay $20.00 for a spot on the hill and watch the race.

The 16 year old girl, Chevel Shepherd from The Voice did an outstanding rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. The fireworks, the soldiers with the flag, and the Blue Angels flying overhead…what a rush!!

Happy Hamlin fan.

My favorite part of going to a live race is the first time the group of race-cars comes around the corner at full throttle. Such speed and power…Even if you are not a race fan…you have to appreciate the machine!

Watching Joey’s pit crew during a pit stop.

Kyle Busch was a strong contender all day and won the race.

We walked back to the RV for a quiet evening.

Thanks MOM for our Christmas gift!!! We had a great day!!!

We are really not certain where we will go tomorrow. We need to get some routine maintenance done on the RV and we want to get it done here in Phoenix. Stay tuned!

March 9, 2019 Leaving Day

Mileage: 59,094 South Dunes Campground ISM Raceway Phoenix, Arizona

Our mission today was to get to Phoenix. Tim and Kyle took turns driving the RV. We were about 300 miles away.

Tim and I are staying in Phoenix for the NASCAR race. Allison and Kyle were flying back home today.

Tim parked the RV close to the track and we disconnected the Jeep so I could drive the kids to the airport. We are sad today to see Kyle and Allison go. We have loved having them both. Our time together brought us all joy! The very hardest part of this gypsy life we live is being away from friends and family. We are so grateful that a piece of home found us here in Arizona! There is nothing better than sharing something you love with the people that you love!

We got to the racetrack and got set up. We actually have a really nice site that faces the mountains.

We rested a short while and then got on our bikes to scope things out. By the time we got to the track, many of the vendors and kiosks had closed for the day. We did find an open grill and had our dinner there.

Sadly, the front of our RV is covered in painted lady corpses…a macabre abstract art project…

Sunset at the track.

March 8, 2019 Last Day ☹

Palm Mountain Campground Ocotillo, California

We were slow moving this morning.  We drove to Palm Mountain Campground.  On the way, we stopped to make pancakes for our breakfast in a beautiful breakfast spot.  Kyle collected a prickly pear pad, carefully removing the spines with a pair of needle nose pliers.  We intended to try to cook some for our dinner.  We didn’t actually though.

Once we were at the campground, Kyle and Allison went for an off-road drive in Indian Canyon. 

Tim and I hiked in Palm Mountain Canyon while the kids took naps.

Later in the day, Kyle and Allison rode out again to find cell phone service so they could check-in for their flight tomorrow.

It was a quiet, low key day.  Happy hour started at 5:00.  We cooked tilapia and mac and cheese and made spinach salad for our dinner.  We played more UNO and I had 614 points…I win?!?

March 7, 2019 The Adventure Is Not Always Easy!

Ocotillo Wells Vehicular Park Borrego Springs, California

We moved the short distance to Ocotillo Wells this morning.  We packed our lunch and headed to Sandstone Canyon.  This trail was also closed as a result of the Valentine’s Day rain.  There was a rockfall ½ mile into the canyon.  As of this morning, the status of the trail was changed to passable.

Tim and I sat in the back of the Jeep while Kyle drove.  This was our view.

We took a quick hike to Diablo Drop-off.  We had to see what all the fuss was about.

In Sandstone Canyon we met a Jeep stopped ahead of us.  It was hung up on the rockfall.  This area was completely clear when we drove through on February 13th

We watched as they used their winch to pull themselves up and over the rock obstacle. 

Kyle and Tim worked to build a bridge with rock so that we could get through as well.  The other Jeep waited to make sure that we made it through safely. 

Allison and I watched and took pictures and video.

The other Jeep owners had this giant poodle…dyed blue (the Mohawk on his neck) and purple (his ears) and green (around his ankles)…poor dog…whatever floats your boat I guess…

Lunch spot.

The other Jeep drove through the next squeeze while we stopped for our lunch.  By the time they returned we were packing up.  We assisted one another to get back over the rockfall.

At some places, the canyon walls were close enough to touch. 

We hiked to the wind caves.  The wind caves were formed by blowing wind “sandblasting” depressions into the sandstone.  The caves were amazing.

Even more spectacular was the view of the Corrizo Badlands from the peak.

Good thinking spot.

Allison took her turn 4 wheeling and she drove us straight to the Iron Door, “a small dive bar in the middle of nowhere!”  We all had our after-trail drinks…I had pink wine this time!

Kyle and I grilled veggie and/or chicken quesadillas together. We added some salad, and papaya for our dinner.

We all drank wine and played Uno until 9:30 and then we slept.

March 6, 2019 Beautiful Coyote Canyon!

Day 2 Palm Canyon Resort Borrego Springs, California

We began the day with a drive through the giant metal sculptures at Galleta Meadows. 

From there, we took the Coyote Canyon Trail.  The wildflowers here were so pretty and again there were lots of “tourists!” 

This trail was one of our favorites when were in Borrego a couple of weeks ago.  The Valentine’s Day rain had rendered the trail impassable and we were disappointed.  We really wanted to share this ride with Kyle and Allison.  The trail was reopened just 2 days ago…still we had heard that the drop-off to Sheep Canyon was still closed for repair.

The were tens of thousands of painted lady butterflies fluttering all around us.  I was so delighted…I felt like a little girl, giggling as we walked and they brushed past us!  These butterflies overwintered in Mexico.  They are migrating north in search of a place to lay their eggs. 

Painted ladies and ladies painting in the desert.

We continued into Coyote Canyon.  We passed a group of cyclists who recommended that we take the hike to Cougar Canyon.   The drop-off to Sheep Canyon was open after all!  We ate our lunch and hiked along and through Indian Creek.  The valley was especially wonderful, green and lovely!  The kids hiked up and into the rocky canyon.

There were these very dark rain clouds hovering over these mountains all day long.  The other cottony white clouds were moving quickly across the sky but these steely grey clouds stayed put on the other side of the craggy peaks.  At one point there was a vividly intense rainbow beneath the charcoal layer.

Kyle, Allison, and I went into town for supplies.  We had hoped to bring back pizza but all we could find was pizza that looked like gas station pizza.  It was our last opportunity to go out for dinner.  We went to Carlee’s and Kyle treated us to a delicious dinner.

Kyle, Allison, and I stayed up drinking wine and playing UNO.

March 5, 2019 Borrego Springs

Palm Canyon Resort Borrego Springs, California

We drove from Kofa to Borrego Springs.  It was a hot and sunny day with temperatures in the eighties.  Kyle took a turn driving the RV while Tim coached.

Just outside of Borrego Springs, we saw the wildflowers.  There were lots of people taking pictures.  Up close, the flowers were yellow and white and pink and purple but when you looked across the valley, you could see great swaths of brilliant fuchsia sand verbena…just gorgeous.

We camped at Palm Canyon Resort. Here we are in town and have full hookups.

Allison and Kyle went to lunch and then the pool while I caught up on laundry.  Later in the afternoon they both biked to town.  Tim and I met them there for dinner at Pablito’s.  We sat on the patio and drank not one, but two pitchers of mango margaritas.

March 4, 2019 Take The Long Way!!!

Day 3 Kofa Wildlife Refuge Quartzsite, Arizona

There is a part of Kofa that Tim and I did not get to see when we spent time camping here.  This was the intended plan for today’s Jeep ride.  We knew it was going to be a long day and Tim wondered aloud if this might be an over ambitious plan but we were all in and excited!

We rode through the desert and up into the mountains through Red Rock Pass. 

Lunch spot.

The road was dusty, rough, and rugged and the going was slow…less than 10 miles per hour in most places.  Our whole trip was 141 miles and it took us 10 ½ hours!!  We did get to see beautiful views all day long.  We honestly didn’t take too many pictures…we were enjoying the ride!!!

The best part of the day was sunset.  We were riding in a wash at the very bottom of a canyon.  The setting sun cast shadows and glorious colors on the surrounding mountains.

We saw a big buck, lots of hummingbirds and lizards, a few hawks, a couple of mice and a ground squirrel.

It was a long ride but we all agreed that it was worth it.  We passed only a van with a couple of tents the whole day on the back road.  We felt grateful that we got to see this incredible place.  We ate dinner at 8:30 and we were all tucked into bed soon thereafter.

March 3, 2019 Kofa Queen Canyon

Day 2 Kofa Wildlife Refuge Quartzsite, Arizona


This morning, Kyle and Allison hiked up into Palm Canyon. 

When they got back, we were packed and ready for our off-road adventure.  We rode into Kofa Queen Canyon.  Doors off and top off!

We watched a group of 6 male bighorn sheep on the mountainside.  It is lambing time and so the females usually go higher up into the mountains where they are more isolated and protected from predators.

The California desert poppies were in full bloom.  They are such happy little flowers. 

The whole mountainside was painted yellow.

The kids went rock climbing.

Lunch spot.

Our campsite.

Kite flying.

Kyle and Allison set up the tent for a night of sleeping in the desert.

We enjoyed tortellini in a lemon garlic butter sauce with sweet peas, grilled asparagus, scallops, and shrimp…and wine!

March 2, 2019, We Have Company!

Mileage:  58,533 Kofa Wildlife Refuge Quartzsite, Arizona

This morning, I enjoyed my coffee while sitting outside.

Tim left to drive the RV to Kofa and get set up while I drive east to the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport to collect Kyle and Allison.  Because the was a delay on their arrival, I suddenly had lots of time to kill.  I decided to stop and get a pedicure!  I had a nice relaxing afternoon.  By 2:30 I had the kids and we were off to Kofa. 

By the time we arrived at the campsite it was almost sunset.

We ate some guacamole and chips and watched the sun go down over the desert. 

We enjoyed our dinner by the campfire.

March 1, 2019 Phoenix Bound!

Mileage: 58,395 White Tank Mountain Regional Park Phoenix, Arizona

This morning we were on our way to Phoenix on 10 east.

The desert floor was covered in a thick carpet of yellow flowers.

We camped at White Tank Mountain. This is a beautiful park and I wish we had more time to enjoy it! As we sat outside we saw all kinds of birds including hummingbirds, mourning doves, and a pair of Gila woodpeckers. We also watched a pair of chipmunks chasing one another and we saw a black lizard.

We had several things to accomplish in Phoenix. On our way out of the campground we saw this guy.

Our first stop was ISM Raceway. We needed to get our NASCAR tickets for next weekend’s race from will-call.

After getting a few last minute supplies. We drove to the Goodyear Ballpark. We watched preseason baseball Indians vs. Dodgers. The smell of popcorn and hot dogs, the green infield, and the rich red clay diamond…it all made you believe it was spring! This is a great facility and we really enjoyed watching the game. We love baseball! Tim was talking to one of the ushers. They all volunteer. This guy remembers his first baseball game at Yankee stadium. He got to watch Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris play. How cool is that!!!

We were serenaded by the coyotes during the night. Tomorrow Kyle and Allison will be here. We cannot wait to share our adventure with them!